Best Christian Products for Home and Office

Kitchen Items 1
Kitchen Prayer Cutting Board

You want your faith to be more than a Sunday morning affair, but when life gets busy, it’s easy to forget that we can ask Christ’s blessing on our errands, trust Him in our business and keep Him as the center of our family unit. That is why adding Christian-themed art and décor to the home and office can be so helpful – it reminds us who we are and what we are about.

There are all sorts of Christian products which can add not only some beauty, but some meaning to your home or office space. Here are just a few ideas for bringing your faith into focus throughout the day where you live and work.

Message Blocks

Message blocks are painted wooden or resin blocks with faith messages painted or engraved in an attractive way. Blocks which proclaim PEACE can be great reminders on the office desk. When the office environment becomes a bit stressful, being reminded that we have access to supernatural peace can really help. A message block on the desk with the words “Whoever Follows Me Will Have the Light of Life” is a good reminder to the Christian and is also a great witness to others.

At the Door

Leaving or entering the house or office is a great time to utter a silent prayer for strength and infilling of the Spirit. A doorknocker with the famous words of Joshua “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” sets the tone. But a plaque with the words of Psalm 121:8 “The Lord will guard your coming and going both now and forevermore” hung beside the door is also a hopeful word of truth.

In the Kitchen

There is a great variety of Christian products that can enliven the kitchen with thoughts of faith. Many people start the day at home or at the office with a cup of coffee or hot tea. Mugs which bear scripture verses or encouragements like “Trust, God is with you, for you, within you” help you get the day going in the right frame of mind. Pretty painted plaques with the fruits of the Spirit “love, joy, peace, patience…” are ideal for the kitchen. Magnets for the front of the fridge with words of faith are another great way to keep thoughts of Christ in the forefront too.

Do you get to feeling like you are on a treadmill when you make copies at the office or are folding laundry at home? Hanging a plaque with the words “I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me” can remind you to call on God for the strength even to do the repetitive chores of life.

At home or at the office, there are Christian products which can help you stay rooted in your identity in Christ. Christian stores like The Printery House offer a wide selection of items including something sure to help you remember that “This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!”