Getting Your Family Organized in 2014 All Starts With the Right Calendar From an Online Christian Gift Shop


Calendars 1
2014 Desk Calendar Wall Calendar Combo Pack

If there is someone on your Christmas list and you can’t decide what to give them – a 2014 calendar makes a great gift. In fact, when you pick up a calendar for someone else, grab a couple for your own home as well. Calendars are the perfect tool for bringing chaotic schedules back under control.

Think about it. Bobby has a music recital. Susie has a sports banquet. Tim has a church event while mom and dad promised to deliver packages to needy families – with all that is going on it is easy for a home to feel like Grand Central Station. Just one person’s schedule can feel stressful at this time of year, scheduling for multiple people sometimes feels like overwhelming!

You can find lovely calendars at a Christian gift shop and The Printery House has some beautiful choices. They come in all sizes and with artwork to appeal to every kind of taste. Here are a few suggestions for making the most of the calendar to get your family organized in 2014.

1. Ask your children for papers from school, church, clubs and sports teams any time they come home from those events. You still won’t get every piece of communication, but you will get more than if you didn’t ask. Put that information (about parent meetings, games, and other events) onto a wall calendar where everyone in the family can see. Do this as soon as possible. Calendars on the refrigerator or next to the door where you leave are typically high-visibility locations.

2. Get everyone into the habit of checking the calendar at the start of the day.

3. Keep a smaller calendar on your desk or in your purse so that you can update on the go. Be sure to sync the two calendars each day.

4. Always write in pencil. Things happen and events get moved. Sometimes, the dental appointment must be cancelled. If you have several children, use a different color pencil for each kid. That way it is easy for them to see if they have anything going on each day.

5. If you write down the address, contact phone number and any special instructions on the calendar, the pile of excess papers that grows on the kitchen counter can be leveled.

6. If you waited too long to buy an Advent calendar this year – don’t make the same mistake next year. Buy your next year’s Advent calendar now. Advent calendars make a terrific gift for other families too.

If your home is in a bit of chaos at the moment, don’t assume that January’s arrival will resolve the issue. Picking out some family organization is just a click away. The Printery House is an online Christian gift shop and they have wall calendars and desk calendars all ready for the New Year. Desk calendars are trim and durable and lie flat on your workspace. One side is graced with artwork and a weekly calendar is on the other. Matching 2014 wall calendars have room for all your notes. And their selection of Advent calendars is hard to beat. Check them out today and be ready when the New Year rolls around.