Mothers are a unique breed. They can be stern when needed, but they are most often
thought of as a soft lap, a tight hug, an encouraging voice and a role model to emulate. That’s a pretty tall order for any one woman to fill so if your mom matches even one or two of those descriptions, you are wonderfully blessed.
A mother’s day usually starts well before anyone else’s in the house. Before kids have finished dressing or collecting their school books, moms have packed lunches, put in a load of laundry, and started breakfast. They’ve signed all the permission slips and signed up for committees. They know who has a doctor appointment and when someone needs to be at soccer practice. And they’ve gassed up the car because sure as rain, someone will forget something and mom will be the one to rush it to school later that day.
As you grow, mom may have less “hands on” involvement, but she probably spends more time on her knees. She changes from the one who makes choices for you to someone who helps you think through the choices you make for yourself. And mom is there to lend support when you make the zillion “learning curve” decisions – meaning all those you get wrong along the way.
Because mothers are such an important part of whom people become, our country decided to spend one day celebrating them especially. The first official Mother’s Day was celebrated in 1912 and was intended to honor mothers for their vital role in American culture. All moms are important and are worthy of honor.
The command to honor father and mother was first given by God in Exodus 20 Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you. God has never changed His mind on this commandment. In fact, the apostle Paul repeats it in the New Testament in Ephesians 6:1-3 reminding believers that it was a command that included a promise from the God who always keeps His word.
If you have a believing mother, you are especially blessed. You’ve been given a wonderful heritage. Just about every mom on the planet will enjoy a fancy dinner, a bouquet of flowers or anything chocolate. But when you choose religious gifts for moms it shows that you appreciate the spiritual investment she has made in your life.
Religious gifts for moms can include many different things. Moms are busy, so a calendar with words of faith is one idea. Moms enjoy encouraging and see it as job number one, so stationary that includes scripture is another possibility. Faith-inspired jewelry, devotional books, Christian music, or a donation made in her name to a Christian organization would all show her that you value her role as a believing influence.
If you are looking for the right gift to give your mom this Mother’s Day – consider a gift that is linked to her faith. If you’re looking for a place to find religious gifts for moms check out The Printery House. We are an online Christian store where you can find
everything from stationary, to artwork to books and beyond.