Thinking about grabbing a stack of generic graduation cards on your way out of the supermarket? Think again. You should know that religious greeting cards have come a long way, a very long way, in terms of styles, design and faith-based messages.
Even more important, this is a unique time of life for any graduate and a unique opportunity to share your faith and your encouragement in a special way. Many grads save their cards for years to come, so it’s worth an extra minute to find Catholic graduation cards (or religious graduation cards) that really do inspire for the long-haul.
What Are Some of the Changes You Can Expect in Today’s Graduation Card Designs?
1. Color – big and bold. Many religious greeting cards today are going bold with bright colors and textures, stepping outside the zone of basic pastels you may have purchased in years past.
2. Simple but powerful messages of faith. When you buy cards online at places like The Printery House, you’ll find new uses of scripture and faith verses that are straightforward but meaningful. You can also find more traditional verses, which have their own classic kind of style.
3. A variety of graduations can be celebrated with faith-based cards. Consider children too, such as Kindergarten graduation, or even 8 grade. Consider a friend or family member who has worked hard behind the scenes to finish an online degree. Consider the college grad that is going onward for a second degree; they sometimes get overlooked. You may also want to consider a child’s graduation into a new age level at their Sunday School class or program as a reason to share a card and celebrate. Don’t forget occupational graduation events too, such as nursing or veterinarian programs.
There’s a good chance that when graduation season hits full swing, you’ll realize you forgot someone … so sit back at home and select a handful of inspiring graduation cards. Set aside a few evening hours to think about each person and the journey they’ve completed. This might be just as rewarding for you as it is for the receiver.
Skip the rush at the store. Choose a hand-designed, unique and encouraging Catholic graduation card from The Printery House. For more than 60 years, the monks and artists at Conception Abbey have created their own designs and lettering, and all the cards are made on-site in their own print shop. Now that’s a great story itself to share as you help a friend or loved one celebrate their next milestone.