Unique Father’s Day Gifts Are Simpler Than You Might Think

God Bless This Irish Man Mug
God Bless This Irish Man Mug

Dear old dad. Or grandpa. Or a favorite mentor. Whoever the father figure is in your life, the one who has given you encouragement and support throughout your years, this may be the year to say no to the tie and go for more unique Father’s Day gifts. Here are some ideas for unique Father’s Day gifts when you want to honor and celebrate the amazing role he has played in your life.

Dads usually like to be outside. Go for something he can enjoy talking about outside with others, like a mini-fountain (pretty affordable nowadays) or a quality set of solar lights that really will outlast weather, pets and kids. You might also consider a new garden stone – you can find some to share your faith at The Printery House, or make your own with paint.

Dads usually like some quiet time alone. Give him a new devotional or bible study book, and enclose in it a homemade coupon for some quiet time anytime he needs it. (The kids can make this part!)

Try a homemade painting on a hobby store canvas. Try implementing a favorite phrase or scripture into the canvas, or, purchase a bold-colored piece of Christian art work or all art online that’ll brighten up his home or office space.

Perk him up with some specialty coffee beans, and put it with a masculine-inspired mug. If you wanted to go the extra mile, package this with a note saying you’d like to sit down and enjoy a few moments across the table together talking, anytime.

Many men, across ages and demographics, can resonate with a sturdy cross to remind them where they have their faith anchored. New Celtic knot designs and stand-up designs are sure to be a great compliment to his desk or home. This is one unique Father’s Day gift that doesn’t go out of style.

Don’t forget as you’re looking for a great gift to celebrate him, pick up Father’s Day cards and religious greeting cards for other men who have inspired you. The cards made by The Printery House have been made in the USA on-site at the print shop in Conception Abbey, MO for 60 years – and purchases support the apostolic work of the monks who live and work at the Benedictine Monastery.