Send a Religious Thank You Card to Someone Who’s Made a Difference in Your Life

You Are a Blessing
You Are a Blessing

Most of us were taught by our parents to thank people who give us a gift or who provide us with an extraordinary service (the doctor who delivered your baby, the priest who married you, the teacher who helped you make it through second grade). But, as a Christian, there are people who have tremendous influence in your life who may never hear the difference they are making.

These people are in your church, your bible study circle, your small group or your Sunday School class. Their life of faith inspires you and challenges you and blesses you, but do you ever take the time to let them know how? This week, make the decision to thank someone who has been a spiritual influence in your life. Someone outside of your family,that you’ve never thanked before.

Here are a few ways to show appreciation for the ones who inspire you to be better:

1. Make it Official Print off a certificate of thanks. Make your certificate say exactly what you want it to say “Best Supporting Friend”, “Best Prepared Group Leader”, “Favorite Bible Study Partner”. You fill in the details.

2. Home Baked Goodness Says a Lot Purchase a religious thank you card and inside write a personal note letting the person know how they’ve impacted your life: you are inspired by their prayer life; challenged by their devotion to aging parents; eager to learn more yourself because of their bible wisdom. Tie that card with a cheerful ribbon to a loaf of warm bread, a box of homemade cookies or a fresh-baked pie.

3. Recognize Their Spiritual Fruit Summer is a great time to share things that grow in the yard. You could put together a flower arrangement or even pot a flower or plant from your yard. If you are a vegetable gardener, gather some of your garden goodness into a handsome basket. Tuck a religious thank you card inside mentioning some spiritual fruit you admire in them.

4. Pay it Forward Have you ever been somewhere dining out and when the meal was finished you asked for the check and your waitress informed you that someone else had paid your bill. You could be the one to do the same for someone else.

You don’t have to send a religious thank you card only to people who do really big things. What about the widow who attends church faithfully – aren’t you challenged by her excellent example? What about the person who sits in front of you and sings with their whole heart on Sunday morning? Or the one who smilingly staffs the nursery? Or who plays the piano/organ? Just visit The Printery House online and order a box of religious thank you cards. A simple note letting the person know how their life is sharpening yours is all it takes. Do it today!