Yes, it’s still gloriously Fall. The gold and amber of autumn hasn’t yet faded to winter grey. So why should you be thinking of Christmas cards now? It seems in this digital age many families are disposing of the practice of sending actual Christmas cards. But there are several good reasons for continuing the tradition of mailing out Christmas cards.
1. Cards are Expressions of Love
It may be easier to shoot out an e-card, but that’s just the point. Sitting down to address a real card and even include a personal line or two takes time. It’s an investment made in relationship. Actual cards are gifts and they do a great job of expressing sincere love – especially in an electronic environment.
2. Catholic Christmas Cards are Expressions of Faith
Christmas time is a natural time to bear witness to the hope that is in you. Sending friends and loved ones or even casual friends and co-workers a faith-based card is great way to celebrate the season and the truth that guides your life. The Printery House offers a wide selection of Catholic Christmas cards to suit every taste or need. There is a collection of Abbey Christmas Prayer cards made onsite at Conception Abbey and each of which contains a prayer composed by the monks of the order. There are also cards based on classic works of art depicting the birth of Christ along with more contemporary designs. This is a time to celebrate what it means to be a believer!
3. Cards are Symbols of Celebration
Years ago many homes hung the cards received from loved ones on a string of holiday garland. Christmas cards were part of the holiday décor. Others tape cards on the front door or refrigerator during the season. A collection of cards adds to the atmosphere of rejoicing.
A few guidelines:
- Consider mailing cards at least to close friends and family members. You don’t have to be a letter-writer, but a couple of personal lines will make the card precious to the recipients.
- Think about sending Catholic Christmas cards to people who sent you a card last Christmas. One family keeps the cards they receive in a basket on the meal table and prays for each person or family represented throughout the year. Wouldn’t you like to be in their basket?
- Family newsletters are not taboo, but keep in mind that less is more, and only mail them to people you know are truly interested. Beware of using them to boast.
- Send out cards earlier rather than later. The USPS suggests mailing cards at least 20 days in advance. Thanksgiving week is not too soon. On the other hand, some families enjoy mailing cards later during the 12 days of Christmas. Just be sure that recipients understand what you are about and don’t mistakenly suppose they were an afterthought.
Keep the tradition of Christmas cards alive. Visit us at The Printery House and check out our extensive variety of Catholic Christmas cards. You’ll be glad you did and so will the people who receive them!