“Prayer is the place of refuge for every worry, a foundation for cheerfulness, a source of constant happiness, a protection against sadness.”–St. John Chrysostom.
Prayer is the centerpiece of life at the Abbey and the Printery House is now sharing beautiful prayers written by the monks of Conceptions Abbey in a new format with packets of Prayers to Share. “From the Heart of the Abbey” is a set of small prayer cards offered by Printery House. Prayers to Share packets include six short inspiring prayers, each written by one of the Monks of Conception Abbey. Included in the sets of 18 prayer cards are three of each of the six prayers – two prayers to share and one prayer to keep. This way you and friends or family members can all be praying exactly the same prayer…a way to feel united in prayer. There’s so many ways to use Prayers to Share… slip one inside a greeting card or note to let someone know you’re praying for them. Or how about leaving one on a friend’s windshield or attached to a batch of cookies and brought to a neighbor who may be having a difficult time. Pass them around at Bible Studies or slip one in your child’s lunch box. Leave one with a tip at your local café. Prayers to Share…the power of prayer, especially when shared.