Happy Thanksgiving! As a gift to you from The Printery House, we share a beautiful Thanksgiving prayer, written by one of the Monks of Conception Abbey. You may want to pray this prayer with your family and friends at the Thanksgiving table. Some families enjoy the tradition of joining hands around the table and saying a prayer together. Then going around the table, each person shares what blessing she/he is particularly grateful for this past year…a new baby, new job, graduating, healing from an illness, being reunited with a friend, or another year of good health. Pausing to count blessings can set the tone for a year ahead, one lived in gratitude.
We count among our blessings, Lord,
the gifts you have given us this year:
the love of friends and family
to share in our abundance
and support us in our need,
peace in good times
and comfort in anxious times,
joy in our gains
and hope in our losses,
humble gratitude in our successes,
and patience in our failures.
Thanks be to you, O Lord.
Glory to you forever.
O give thanks to the Lord for he is good; his steadfast love endures forever.
Psalm 136:1