Sharing in Random Acts of Kindness Week With Religious Thank You Cards


Thank You Cards 9
With Heartfelt Thanks

In the section of scripture known as the Sermon on the Mount, the Lord talked a good deal about what it looks like to live as a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven. That kingdom is an upside down kingdom – at least compared to earthly kingdoms. In God’s kingdom to be poor in spirit is to be made rich, to show others mercy is to receive mercy and enemies and strangers are to be treated as friends. It is in this context that the Lord spoke the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

How would we have others treat us? With appreciation… with patience….with kindness.  That is the idea behind Random Acts of Kindness Week which officially takes place February 11-17. It’s an official week of encouraging one another – people we know and people we don’t know – by seeking out ways to bless them.

It is so easy to get caught up in the busyness of our own private lives and fail to really consider others. Yet as Christians, our Lord has instructed us to do just that – to demonstrate consideration of others. What better time to obey this command than during Random Acts of Kindness week? So here are just a few ideas to help you celebrate seven days of intentional kindness:

1. Write and pass out religious thank you cards
The postman, the grocery checker, the barista at your favorite coffee shop, the person serving at the food kitchen, your child’s teacher. All of these people would be encouraged to receive a kind word from you. Religious thank you cards point beyond you to the Lord – it’s because we are so thankful to Him that we are able to have grateful hearts toward others.

2. Make an inspirational sign
Your sign could say YOU ARE AMAZING!, SMILE!, or THERE’S ONLY ONE YOU! Hold it up on the side of the street, tape it to your back car window or you could plant it in your front yard.

3. Do a little extra
Offer to do part of a colleague’s job. Refill the copier or post the mail. Run the mop over the floor or do some filing.

4. Be an unknown blessing
Write out a kind note and tape it to a chocolate bar or a $5 gift card and leave it on the windshield of a police officer’s car, at the doorstep of the fire department or on the front desk at the animal shelter.

5. Remember the forgotten
Take valentines to the nursing home or the center for the disabled.

6. Pay it forward
When you visit the drive-through at your favorite donut shop, coffee shop or fast food restaurant, pay a few extra dollars to cover the guy (or gal) in the car behind you.

Unless you plan to be kind, a day, a week, a month or a life can go by without ever going out of our way to be kind. Jesus said that the world is kind to those who are their friends – citizens of His Kingdom must show extraordinary kindness. Get ready now by stocking up on religious thank you cards from The Printery House then enjoy the fun of Random Acts of Kindness week. It just might turn your world upside down.