Category: St. Patrick’s Day

  • St. Patrick’s Day Cards

    Every March 17th those of Irish heritage, and those who are “Irish-at-heart, “observe St. Patrick’s Day. What began as a religious feast day for the patron saint of Ireland has become an international festival celebrating Irish culture with parades, special foods and the wearing o’ the green. Remember a special someone with a St. Patrick’s…

  • A St. Patrick’s Day Prayer

    Honoring St. Patrick’s Day, we feature an excerpt from St. Patrick’s Breastplate, a popular prayer attributed to one of Ireland’s most beloved patron saints: Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lie down,…

  • Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration

    Only a few miles from the Printery House is the site of the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration at Clyde, Missouri. If you live near the area, it’s worth a trip to see their incredibly beautiful adoration chapel, as well as their chapel of religious relics. Just be sure to phone ahead to make sure…

  • St. Patrick’s Day

    St. Patrick’s Day is only 10 days away, but there’s still time to prepare to celebrate all things Irish. Many legends surround St. Patrick; one being that he drove all the snakes from Ireland. Historians have found that snakes were never native to Ireland, so some think this is a metaphor for the conversion of…