Let the Christian Gift Store Help You Improve Family Devotion Time

Table Grace and Bedtime Prayers Die Set
Table Grace and Bedtime Prayers Die Set

Carving out time for family devotions requires commitment, but it is well worth the effort. Even families who do well at making time to focus on the Lord can fall into a rut where worship times become a bit monotonous. To keep those family devotion times fresh try mixing things up a bit. Here are a few suggestions on how to hold the kids’ attention and make daily reverence for God interesting and real.

1. Scripture Memory
If the kids are not involved in a bible memorization program through church, be sure to help build a foundation through bible memory work at home. The whole family can work on the same verse at a rate of one per week. Let the kids take turns leading ways to memorize – singing, acting out, erasing one word, popping balloons with the words to the verse – whatever works! The Christian gift store may have other bible memorization games you could use.

2. Children’s Bible Story Book
With younger children, it is fine to read bible stories. In this way, kids can hear the highlights of the entire bible and be prepared for deeper understanding as reading and listening skills improve. Think about having the kids act out some of the stories – gathering manna, Joshua and Jericho, Daniel in the lion’s den and Paul lowered in a basket.

3. Pray Around the Globe
Perhaps one night each week could be devoted to praying for somewhere else in the world. Choose a country and talk about what are the physical needs to be met? Look up online videos that describe the country, its culture and needs. Pray for workers to be sent and for the success of the gospel in that place. Having a globe or world map is a great learning tool.

4. Use Prayer Die
Childhood is a wonderful time to help children learn to pray. A prayer die is a fun way for kids to take on the privilege of prayer for themselves. On each side of a die there are written bedtime prayers or table prayers for kids to use. Look for them at your nearest Christian gift store.

5. Serve the Community
Your family can meet needs in the community once per week or once per month, but the key is to get out together and do some good in the name of Christ. You could visit a retirement home, make hospital visits (depending upon the ages of your children) or volunteer at a homeless shelter.

6. Schedule a Time for Q&A
Be sure you are not the only one talking during family devotions. Let your children have an opportunity to ask questions and get answers. If the time ever falls flat, have a bowl with Christian words written on slips of paper. Have one child select a piece of paper and then define the word in simple words easy enough for children to grasp.

There are so many ways to keep family worship vibrant. At The Printery House we want to come alongside believing families and offer supplies to help. We are an online Christian gift store committed to making God’s name great through serving the needs of His followers. We invite you to visit us and ignite a love for Christ in the hearts of your kids through regular times of family worship.