Christian Products to Help Truly Celebrate the Advent Season with Your Family

Advent Wreath 1
A Light Shines in The Night

Wouldn’t it be great if this year
you could slow down your life enough to enjoy what Christmas is all about and really worship the Lord of the Christmas season?

There is a way to take control of the Christmas season chaos. You can exchange stress for joy and materialism for meaning. A way that is time-tested and proven to help you keep a focus on the miracle of Christ’s appearing on the earth. It’s called Advent. Maybe your church celebrates Advent during weekly services and maybe it doesn’t – but in either case, Advent is a wonderful way to restore attention on the Savior and what makes Christmas so remarkable. There are a number of Christian
that go along with Advent to guide you.

Advent covers the four week period leading up to Christmas Eve. An Advent wreath helps churches and families to consider Jesus’ birth in light of Biblical history and promises. It also helps us remember that the Jesus who came 2,000 plus years ago, will one day come again. The Advent wreath is a tool that helps us to celebrate Jesus’ first coming and builds expectation for His second coming.

The word Advent comes from the Latin word adventus – coming. The wreath uses the lighting of candles to fix our attention on what really happened in that stable in Bethlehem. Traditional Advent celebrations incorporate weekly (or daily) bible readings
that help set the stage for Jesus’ arrival.

Jesus was promised long before He actually came, and God’s people looked for Him all through the pages of scripture. Each week, for four weeks, bible passages are read that show how God was preparing His people to recognize His Son. A purple candle is lit each week to symbolize the Majesty of Jesus as a promised king.

After the bible reading and the lighting of a new candle, meaningful Christmas carols can be sung and the family can close the time of worship with prayer. Songs like Come Thou Long Expected Jesus become more understandable to children and adults when they are sung as we contemplate the scope of the incarnation. On the final week of Advent, a candle is lit symbolizing the Hope of Jesus’ arrival. The last candle, the white one, is lit on Christmas Eve –when the light of the world fulfilled God’s promise
and came into the world.

Maybe you’d like this Christmas to be different. Maybe you’d like to really celebrate the coming of the Savior with your family. Advent is a great way to do that. The
Printery House
offers an entire line of Christian products to help you. At The Printery House you can find votive Advent candleholders or wreaths that use tapers. There are Advent calendars for kids to enjoy with magnetic figures, stickers or peek-a-boo windows. You can even find books of reflective readings and helps with Advent prayers. Visit The Printery House today and be ready for a true celebration of Christmas before the season arrives.